How many times is Suits going to do this?

Created by USA Network

I’m a fan of Suits. Mindless binging is always a nice way to relax and Suits is an excellent candidate for a Saturday night. Sometimes though, it would be nice to get something a little different from each episode.

I’m not saying that the show itself isn’t entertaining because people wouldn’t spend so much time watching it if it wasn’t. However, once you get into the show, you begin to sense a pattern. Every episode starts to ring the same and while there is a different plot, a different problem, and a different solution, it doesn’t always feel that way.

Here are some of the things that I’ve noticed happen all the time:


A random statement becomes the needed solution

Even if you’ve seen only a few of the first episodes, you’ve probably seen this happen. It’s near the end of the episode, a problem is hanging over Mike and Harvey, and after a random conversation, the solution hits them…like magic. Right after hearing it, Mike and Harvey find an obscure loophole that solves their problem. Time and time again, somebody’s offhand statement turns into the winning argument.

Now it’s true, creating new and entertaining ways of discovering a solution is hard, especially when a lot of lawyer solutions probably come from research. But doing the same stint over and over again starts feeling repetitive real fast.


Harvey solves EVERYTHING

It’s obvious that the main point of the show is not to lose cases, but in every single episode, Harvey, with the help of Mike, wins everything. After a point, the big problem just becomes something you know will be solved. Even when the odds are impossibly stacked against him, he manages to smooth-talk his way into victory.

On a deeper level, Harvey becomes this perfect character who doesn’t seem to have any major flaws or any shortages of witty comebacks. He might have a big ego, but why shouldn’t he? He wins everything.


Louis and Harvey fight, until Louis Escalates

At least twice a season, Harvey and Louis get at it with each other. Usually Harvey says something way too harsh to Louis, or Louis botches something up and Harvey absolutely decimates him. Louis, either in anger or trying to be forgiven, does something stupid, dramatically escalating the situation and getting everybody mad at him…again. Right away, Jessica or Donna step in and the situation is resolved after a couple of episodes.

There’s only so many times this pattern can prove unpredictable and interesting. Not to mention that it’s hard for Louis and Harvey’s character to develop when they keep acting the same way towards each other.


Big Changes Never Last

In the middle of a season and usually at the end, a major change occurs. Somebody may switch jobs, leave a job, break up with somebody, or even be investigated. However, none of these changing situations seem to last with the very longest one that I’ve seen going for less than a season.

Obviously some things should remain the same; they constitute a main part of the show and are a central component. But it comes to a point where every time something big happens, you know it won’t last.


Same Villains are Reused Constantly

While each episode usually has its own mini-adversary, there is usually a bigger one that comes into play throughout the season. Obviously, a show isn’t going to use the same villain every time, right? Unfortunately, with Suits, this isn’t always the case.

Villains like Daniel Hardman have plagued the show numerous times and while he’s an interesting character and easily dislikable, his plot is also overused. Time and time again, he is bent on infiltrating and taking back control of the firm but how many times will it take before he quits?

Fortunately, other characters often come into play alongside him so it isn’t just Hardman over and over again. On the other hand, smaller characters such as Travis Tanner are used probably even more often than Hardman. Usually, they play a smaller role, but regardless, it edges toward overuse.

Bottom Line

Even though Suits has risen to be one of the most popular shows on TV, it certainly carries flaws, including its repetitiveness. Nonetheless, I would be lying to say that it isn’t a fun show and one that has entertained me for hours. And I’ve already invested too much of my time to give up now.

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